"Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else's life forever."
-Margaret Cho
Available Services
My full fee is $150 for the 55-minute hour. I am in network with Aetna, BCBS, and UnitedHealthcare/Optum.
For more information, head over to Schedule an Appointment
My fee for 60 minutes of clinical consultation is $150. I am an EMDRIA Consultant-in-Training who is certified in EMDR therapy.
To request a consultation, head over to Schedule an Appointment
Helping your brain to heal
I wholeheartedly believe that each human brain has a natural capacity to heal. The symptoms that lead people to seek out psychotherapy are often related to difficult material from the past that they have not yet been able process on their own. I have been trained to assist my clients in unjamming the mechanisms needed in order to facilitate mental health.
The clients that I work best with are people that persevere against all odds, fight hard for what they have, and are now craving a better sense of balance. They know they have moved forward in life, but the unhealed material continues to show up in the present. When they experience feelings of joy or accomplishment with their relationships or their work, they may also experience a hint of dread or a quickening of their heart. This may result in feeling tension in their muscles that can leave them feeling anxious. By expecting the worst, they can avoid feeling disappointed. However, this strategy also prevents them from being able to fully embrace or participate in the best parts of their lives.
Many of the people I have worked with tried figuring out how to heal on their own before making it into my office, but had difficulty sustaining long-lasting relief. I collaborate with my clients to identify their specific goals for psychotherapy. We work together to break old habits and replace them with healthy coping skills. I am a trauma therapist and I am certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. It has been an honor to bear witness to the growth of the individuals I continue to do good work with.
EMDR therapy is a full psychotherapy that helps people to heal the past material that has been stuck so that people can get more enjoyment out of their lives. Information about EMDR therapy, useful trauma-therapy tools, and local Finger Lakes resources are listed on my resources page.
If you suspect you may have some unhealed material you would like to heal, please head over to Schedule an Appointment. I offer sessions in-person in my practice location in Ithaca, NY as well as through telehealth online to residents of the states of New York and Florida.